Uncommonly Coastal

Good Comes from a Hurricane – She Can Paint!

We recently introduced you to our friend Norvell, the accomplished sea glass jewelry guru. Through her, we have met another incredible talent. It is just another example of how the coastal lifestyle does something to you, something amazing. We want to introduce Lisa Sylvester Sausen, who also lives in the Bahamas. Sadly, her home was destroyed by Hurricane Dorian in 2019 as well. They remained on the island for as long as possible, but despite her wishes, her husband insisted they flee in the middle of the night. The storm had stalled and just kept growing. It turned out to be a wise decision…

Along with everyone else on the island, Lisa and her husband began to rebuild. After helping with mold and debris removal, Lisa realized she could best help her “MacGyver” type husband by getting out of his way. Overall, they were without electricity for 456 days, so she started painting.