Uncommonly Coastal

UNCOMMONLY – What’s In A Name?

Are you wondering why we named our blog “Uncommonly Coastal”?

The word “uncommonly” refers to something which is not frequently encountered or seen. It describes things that are atypical or unusual, in comparison to what is generally expected or observed.

Welcome to the Uncommonly Coastal Blog

Dream with me for a minute.   

Picture yourself on a pristine coastal beach, where the sand caresses your toes, the ocean breeze whispers through your hair, and the rhythmic sounds of the crashing waves lull you into a state of bliss.  Ahhh…     

As you walk along the shoreline, with the warmth of the sun and the scent of the salty air, all your cares and burdens gently melt away. Then, when the sun begins its descent, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange, you realize there is nowhere else you would rather be.